Sundar C’s films have always been entertaining and hilarious Now comes Aambala from his stable. Produced by Vishal under the banner of Vishal Film Factory, it has Hansika Motwani, Santhanam, Prabhu, Ramya Krishnan, Aishwarya, Kiran, Sriram, Gautham, Vaibhav, ‘Ethir Neechal’ Satish, Vichu and many others. Hip Hop Tamizha makes his debut as music director. Vishal plays the lead.
Their father wants to reunite with his sisters (Ramya Krishnan, Aishwarya and Kiran) and each one of them has one daughter. So, Saravanan and his brothers have to marry one each. Interestingly, Maya is the daughter of one of the aunts of Saravanan.
It’s Sundar’s treatment that makes the film worthy despite an age-old story and cliched narration. Vishal plays a macho man. He is full of energy.
Hansika has a breezy and meaty role. Santhanam tries to tickle the funny bone, while Sathish and Vaibhav are good.
Music by Hiphop Tamizha Aadhi (debut) is good, especially songs. Cinematography gives a festive feel to the proceedings.
The biggest strength of Aambala is Sundar C’s packaging. But the movie has a harebrained plot, exhausting action scenes, and crass humour. It has some gravity-defying stunts, stereotypical characterisation and plenty of punch dialogues.
On the whole, Aambala is a cocktail of emotions and a typical festival movie.